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King bath

King-bath is a masterpiece doesn' t need to anyone. Swimming enormous size which is known to only a few is in Babolovskiy park in Pushkin. According to some, this is the biggest bath in the world which now lies in ruins  of Babolovskiy Palace and to see it come to a most curious tourists and citizens of St. Petersburg. Babolovsky palace was granted by the Great Catherine  to Highness Prince Grigory Potemkin, to remove his from the favorite residence of the Empress. But the palace was a large distance, rarely visited and in 1790 became dilapidated. Alexander I ordered to build the bath in this palace in 1823. Giant bath designed by Betancourt for Alexander I- great lover of cold bathing. It is known that Alexander I used the palace to meet with their favorite Sophia Velho. This was the reason for writing Pushkin four lines "On Babolovsky Palace": 
Lovely! let them enjoy the delight 
In the embrace of your Russian demigod. 
As to the fate of your beats? 
The whole world at his feet - he is at your feet. 
What emperor needed such a massive structure, historians still wondering. Some believe that it was planned to conduct Masonic rituals; There is also a version that has served as the pool bath in the hot summer days. From a single piece of red granite that whopper cut almost 6 years and 10 years spent to ensure that its polish. Bath filled with buckets of water by hand, housed 8 000 buckets and, most likely, the same hand and scooped water - engineering achievements of that time did not allow to make the drain. It is curious that the palace was almost completely destroyed during the years of the Great Patriotic War, but King bath untouched. The sheer size (height 192 cm, diameter 533 cm, weight 48 tons) was joined by her in good stead: German troops simply could not budge it. For the same reason, in nineties it was unable to grab the "new Russian". Once the stone bath-King led iron staircase, make a single ensemble with wrought iron railings and viewing platforms. Today, from the creation of cast iron were only mounting in walls halls - to consider them and get close to a masterpiece closer, you have to pass under the arches of the rooms that are in disrepair. But, say the witnesses, it is worth it. Location: Babolovsky park, Pushkin.