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Top-5 superstitions

Top 5 superstition born in the city on the Neva. 
1. Monument finch-Pyzhik on Fontanka.
The smallest monument in St. Petersburg: height is only 11 cm. If the coin will remain on a pedestal - will be a success in business. But ideally need to hit exactly on the bronze beak of a bird. Throwing coins as you can with the waterfront, and with water, floating by on the river boat. 
Sometimes the bride and groom to descend on a rope finch glass and a toast-desire.

2. Bas-relief on the monument to Peter I  near the Mikhailovsky Castle.


The scene depicts the Battle of Gangut. If you rub the heel rescued sailor - protect yourself from the danger of drowning in the sea. 
3. "Happy" griffin on quay at the Academy of Fine Arts.
His figure guarding the boat ramp with the famous Sphinx. Looking into the eyes of the nearest of the sphinxes, you need to iron griffin's head. At the same time the other hand it is necessary to keep the griffin for right tooth (in another version - stroking his wings). And then you will find a long, happy life. 
4. Atlanta. At the Hermitage, the ones that "heaven hold on stone shoulders."
There is a legend that the Atlanta bring good luck. Any wish come true, if taken for a big toe of one of the granite giants. 
5. Begemotiha Tonya courtyard Philology SPSU.
A sign at the monument reads: "According to legend, a girl who dreams of finding a groom should hold out for the right ear, hippo, and the young man if he wants to find a bride - for the left." The tiny creature artist Vladimir Petrovicheva attached legend. It says that in the XVIII century couple in love was torn apart by the will of the parents. With grief local Juliet rushed into the Neva and her faithful Romeo - behind her. According to the story, in a couple of centuries ago Neve hippos were performed. In general, the girl grabbed her right ear monster river, and the boy - his left. And saved. A local hippo, patroness of lovers named Tonya.