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At the beginning of the XIX century vacant lot was purchased Piskarev merchant, he shared a wasteland into sections and put them up for sale, under construction. The rapid development of the area began in the XX century, after the construction of a tram line along the Emperor Peter the Great (now Piskarevskiy prospect) and built the local railway. Since 1922 Piskaryovka located in the city. It is widely known for its  Piskarevskiy park and Piskarevskoe Memorial Cemetery: in 1941-1943 there were made mass graves of victims of the blockade ; in 1956 - 1960 was built memoralny ensemble, which became the center of a bronze sculpture of " Motherland " and mourning wall with bas-reliefs, paintings recreating life besieged Leningrad (architects : A.Vasileva , E. Levinson , sk . Vladimir Isayev , P. Taurit K. etc .)